New Thyroid Book – Stop the Thyroid Madness Two, edited by Janie Bowthorpe was just released. This is a book written by selected thyroid physicians invited by Janie Bowthorpe to write contributing chapters. Jeffrey Dach MD Contributed Two Chapters in the New Book !! Thanks to Janie Bowthorpe for inviting me to contribute two chapters […]

Following Thyroid Nodules with Ultrasound
Following Thyroid Nodules with Ultrasound by Jeffrey Dach MD Don’t Fall for the thyroid nodule trap. Yesterday, a mother and her 18 year old daughter came into the office for the daughter’s low thyroid condition. She had just come from an endocrinologist’s office where they discovered a small thyroid nodule during a thyroid ultrasound exam. […]

Natural Thyroid is Better Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD
Natural Thyroid is Better Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD This article is part two of a series. For Part One, Click Here. For Part Three Click here. Will Thyroid Medication Give Me Osteoporosis ? New concerns were raised by Marci Turner in the April 2011 British Medical Journal reporting elderly women on Synthroid(tm) have […]

Graves Remission with Iodine Case Report by Jeffrey Dach MD
Graves’ Hyperthyroidism Remission with Iodine Case Report by Jeffrey Dach MD Link to article Carol is a 56 year old real estate agent who noticed a feeling of nervousness, warmth and rapid heart rate which worsened over a few days. Carol called a friend who drove her to the Emergency Room where the doctors gave […]

Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD
Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD Japanese Reactor Accident and Radiation Leak In the aftermath of the Japanese Earthquake and Reactor Accident, reports of radiation leakage has spurred interest and demand for Iodine tablets as a preventive agent. Iodine tablets prevent the uptake of radioactive I-131 by the thyroid gland, thereby preventing radiation induced thyroid […]

Production of Thyroid Hormone
Production of Thyroid Hormone Part One by Jeffrey Dach MD Above image: At left is schematic of the thyroid follicle with inset box showing magnified view of thyroid hormone synthesis (next image). Image at right is typical microscopic view of thyroid follicle showing central round areas of pink colloid surrounded by lining of follicular cells […]

David Brownstein MD on Thyroid Health and Iodine
David Brownstein MD on Thyroid Health and Iodine by Jeffrey Dach MD According to Dr David Brownstein, “Iodine deficiency is occurring at epidemic rates. The U.S. Government’s statistics from NHANES show that almost 60% of pregnancy-aged women are suffering from inadequate iodine intake. Iodine deficiency should be considered a national emergency….. Over the last 40 […]

Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations
Above image courtesy of wikimedia commons: Microscopy of thyroid gland showing normal structure on left (c=colloid follicles). Hashimoto’s thyroiditis seen on right, with lymphoid infiltration (black arrows). Autoantibodies against thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin were elevated. Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations by Jeffrey Dach MD Pathophysiology of Hashimoto’s Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune […]

Iodine and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Iodine and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid Disease by Jeffrey Dach MD This article is part three. For Part Two, Click Here. For Part One Click Here Above Image:Electron microscopy image of thyroid tissue from a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, showing electron dense deposits of Antibodies (IgG and TG) along the basement membrane of follicular cells. Courtesy […]

Hashimotos Thyroid Disease and Molecular Mimicry
Hashimotos Thyroid Disease and Molecular Mimicry by Jeffrey Dach MD Hashimotos Thyroid Disease, What is It ? Originally described by a Japanese surgeon in 1912, Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland.(30) Our own immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing inflammation and eventual destruction of the thyroid gland.(1) In the final stages, […]

TSH Basics
TSH Basics by Jeffrey Dach MD The TSH Test is perhaps the most important single test mainstream endocrinology relies on for evaluating thyroid function. Surprisingly, TSH, which stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, is not made by the thyroid gland and is not a thyroid hormone. Rather, TSH is made by the pituitary gland, a small […]
Selenium and Thyroid More Good News
Selenium and the Thyroid, More Good News from Mainstream Medicine by Jeffrey Dach MD A Feb 2013 article in Clinical Endocrinology declares “More Good News!!” on Selenium and the Thyroid.(1) They go on to state, “In patients with Hashimoto’s disease and in pregnant women with anti-TPO antibodies, selenium supplementation decreases anti-thyroid antibody levels and improves […]

Environmental Pollution Found in Newborns
Is Your Baby Toxic from Environmental Pollution? by Jeffrey Dach MD There is alarming news from the University of California about toxic chemicals in virtually all pregnant women. Tracey Woodruff found 163 different chemicals in pregnant women including banned Flame Retardants and DDT. A previous 2004 study showed 287 toxic chemicals in babies cord blood […]

The Thyroid Nodule Epidemic by Jeffrey Dach MD
The Thyroid Nodule Epidemic by Jeffrey Dach MD. Lisa, a 36 year old model and actress had a total thyroidectomy for cancer. Now she has severe fatigue, muscle pain, hair loss, and dry skin…..For More Click Here.

Oprah Winfrey Praises BioIdentical Hormones by Jeffrey Dach MD
Oprah Winfrey Praises BioIdentical Hormones by Jeffrey Dach MD. Oprah wasn’t feeling herself, and her doctors had no answers. Finally, she found a new doctor and started a Bioidentical Hormone Program, and in less than three days, her menopausal symptoms had resolved, and she was singing praises for bioidentical hormones. To read more: Click Here.

Predicting The Future of Medicine by Jeffrey Dach MD
Predicting The Future of Medicine by Jeffrey Dach MD As a kid growing up in Chicago, I spent much time in the public library reading the science fiction novels of Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert Heinlein. With uncanny accuracy, they predicted today’s world. If they were alive today, what would they predict for […]