A new study from the Department of Bioethics at Case Western Reserve examined women’s attitudes about bioidentical hormones for menopausal symptoms.(1) Above left image: Case Western Reserve Campus Courtesy of WIkimedia. How Was the Study Done ? The study was done by conducting in-depth interviews with 25 women on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for […]

Preventing Heart Attacks with Ouabain
Preventing Heart Attacks with Ouabain Reversing Heart Disease Part Five by Jeffrey Dach MD Our previous articles in this series, Parts one, two, three and four have made the case for the “clogged artery” filled with atherosclerotic plaque as the cause for heart attacks. Indeed, imaging studies and autopsy studies show extensive arterial plaque formation […]

Lipitor and The Dracula of Modern Technology
Lipitor and The Dracula of Modern Technology by Jeffrey Dach MD Perhaps you have seen the Direct-to-Consumer TV and print advertisements with Robert Jarvik, the inventor of the Jarvik Heart, speaking on behalf of the Pfizer’s anti-cholesterol drug, Lipitor. With 13 billion dollars in sales last year, Lipitor was the best selling statin drug, the […]

The Art of the Curb Side Cholesterol Consult by Jeffrey Dach MD
The Art of the Curb Side Consult by Jeffrey Dach MD In our neighborhood, we take the garbage cans out to the curb twice a week for the garbage pickup. Although we grumble about the extra work, it’s a good opportunity to get outside the house and say hello to our neighbors. On one such […]

Testosterone Erythrocytosis Thrombophilia and Heart Attack
Testosterone Erythrocytosis Thrombophilia and Heart Attack by Jeffrey Dach MD Link to this article. My previous article part one and part two discussed recent studies showing increased heart attack rates in men starting testosterone. Recently there have been two more reports by Dr. Finkle and Dr Vigen confirming, yes, this is a real finding (6,7). […]

Stop Vitamin D, Are You Joking ?
Don’t Take Vitamin D Says New Study by Jeffrey Dach MD A study proclaiming Vitamin D is useless and you should just stop taking it was published in Lancet this week and “went viral”. The news story was picked up and amplified by the media Here it is: “The take-away message is that there is […]

New Statin Guidelines, Not Everyone is Enthusiastic
New Statin Guidelines, Not Everyone is Enthusiastic by Jeffrey Dach MD On Tuesday, The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology changed the guidelines giving even more people statin drugs. The new Guidelines increases the number of healthy people to be placed on statins by 70%..(1) OpEd in the New York TImes Two […]

Testosterone and the Heart Part Two
Testosterone and the Heart, Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD In Part One, we discussed a 2010 study from Boston University in which testosterone was given to immobilized, elderly, obese male smokers. The study was halted early because of poor outcome with increased heart attacks and “cardiac events” in the testosterone treated group. (1) Upper […]

Testosterone and the Heart
Testosterone Found to Cause Heart Attacks in Obese Smokers With Heart Disease by Jeffrey Dach MD This article is Part One, For Part Two Click Here. For part three click here. How Not to Do a Testosterone Clinical Trial A testosterone study by Bhasin published in the New England Journal was halted early because the testosterone […]

Getting Off Statin Drug Stories by Jeffrey Dach MD
Getting Off Statin Drug Stories by Jeffrey Dach MD. Martha is 55 years old, healthy and no history of heart disease. Nonetheless, Martha has been taking a statin drug for “high cholesterol” under the care of “the top cardiologist”. Every six months I recommend stopping the statin drug, and every six month, her cardiologist […]

Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs for Women Just Say No by Jeffrey Dach MD
Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs for Women Just Say No by Jeffrey Dach MD. Judith Walsh MD reviewed 20 years of statin drug data in JAMA in 2004. She concludes that Cholesterol lowering with statin drugs does not reduce total mortality in women, PERIOD. …For More click Here.

Does High Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease ?
Does High Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease ? by Jeffrey Dach MD We live in a society which has an obsession with cholesterol levels. The reality is that our cholesterol level correlates very poorly (if at all) with risk for heart disease. To Read More..Click here

39 Reasons to Avoid Bypass and Stenting
39 Reasons to Avoid Bypass and Stenting by Jeffrey Dach MD – Thirty Nine Studies show that invasive treatment with stenting or bypass fails to reduce mortality or heart attacks, when compared to medical treatment with drugs…To Read More

Vitamin E Heart Disease and Tocotrienols
Vitamin E, Heart Disease and Tocotrienols by Jeffrey Dach MD- We once took a family rafting trip on the Snake River in Idaho. We later explored Coeur D’Alene where I stumbled upon a dusty second hand book store, and a 1964 copy of “Vitamin E, Your Key to a Healthy Heart” by Herbert Baily. I later learned this […]

Stephen Sinatra on Cholesterol and Statin Drugs
Stephen Sinatra on Cholesterol and Statin Drugs, a Choir Boy Turns Disbeliever – When a choirboy turns disbeliever, it makes you take notice. Dr. Stephen Sinatra MD explains in his newsletter a number of observations changed his opinion and transformed him into a “cholesterol disbeliever” …To Read More.

Reversing Heart Disease without Drugs
Reversing Heart Disease without Drugs. Heart Disease is today’s number one killer in America and is the reason why 16 million Americans are taking a Statin anti-cholesterol drug. This article explains what causes heart disease… Read More

Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease How Does it Happen
Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease: How Does it Happen? by Jeffrey Dach, MD. Atherosclerotic plaque formation is a series of events. The very first event is the deposition of lipoproteins called the Fatty Streak which eventually becomes the lipid core of the plaque… Click To Read More

Coronary Calcium Score, Reversing Heart Disease
How to Reverse Heart Disease with the Coronary Calcium Score.The AHA (American Heart Association) has steadfastly denied for many years that Coronary Calcium Scoring was a valid marker of heart disease. Well, apparently they were wrong….Read More

Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Statin Drugs
Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Statin Drugs by Jeffrey Dach MD Left image: Red arrows: Heavily calcified coronary artery on CAT Scan. A Major Dogma of Mainstream Medicine One of the major dogmas of mainstream medicine is the miraculous benefit of statin drugs in the battle against atherosclerotic heart disease. I have written a number of previous […]