B12 Deficiency and Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders by Jeffrey Dach MD A case was presented at the Medical University of South Carolina. The patient was a 23 year old female with paranoid psychosis treated unsuccessfully with anti-psychotic medications and shock therapy. The treatments only made her worse. Eventually, further testing revealed the patient had a severe vitamin […]

Natural Thyroid is Better Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD
Natural Thyroid is Better Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD This article is part two of a series. For Part One, Click Here. For Part Three Click here. Will Thyroid Medication Give Me Osteoporosis ? New concerns were raised by Marci Turner in the April 2011 British Medical Journal reporting elderly women on Synthroid(tm) have […]

Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD
Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD Japanese Reactor Accident and Radiation Leak In the aftermath of the Japanese Earthquake and Reactor Accident, reports of radiation leakage has spurred interest and demand for Iodine tablets as a preventive agent. Iodine tablets prevent the uptake of radioactive I-131 by the thyroid gland, thereby preventing radiation induced thyroid […]

Myo-Inositol for PCOS and Hashimotos
Myo-Inositol for PCOS and Hashimotos by Jeffrey Dach MD Link to this article My previous article covered the beneficial effect of selenium in Hashimoto’s patients, with a decline in antibody levels seen in four controlled studies in the endocrinology literature. Here is another one. This time the selenium is used with an added supplement called […]

Production of Thyroid Hormone
Production of Thyroid Hormone Part One by Jeffrey Dach MD Above image: At left is schematic of the thyroid follicle with inset box showing magnified view of thyroid hormone synthesis (next image). Image at right is typical microscopic view of thyroid follicle showing central round areas of pink colloid surrounded by lining of follicular cells […]

Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations
Above image courtesy of wikimedia commons: Microscopy of thyroid gland showing normal structure on left (c=colloid follicles). Hashimoto’s thyroiditis seen on right, with lymphoid infiltration (black arrows). Autoantibodies against thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin were elevated. Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations by Jeffrey Dach MD Pathophysiology of Hashimoto’s Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune […]

Iodine and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Iodine and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid Disease by Jeffrey Dach MD This article is part three. For Part Two, Click Here. For Part One Click Here Above Image:Electron microscopy image of thyroid tissue from a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, showing electron dense deposits of Antibodies (IgG and TG) along the basement membrane of follicular cells. Courtesy […]

Hashimotos Thyroid Disease and Molecular Mimicry
Hashimotos Thyroid Disease and Molecular Mimicry by Jeffrey Dach MD Hashimotos Thyroid Disease, What is It ? Originally described by a Japanese surgeon in 1912, Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland.(30) Our own immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing inflammation and eventual destruction of the thyroid gland.(1) In the final stages, […]
Selenium and Thyroid More Good News
Selenium and the Thyroid, More Good News from Mainstream Medicine by Jeffrey Dach MD A Feb 2013 article in Clinical Endocrinology declares “More Good News!!” on Selenium and the Thyroid.(1) They go on to state, “In patients with Hashimoto’s disease and in pregnant women with anti-TPO antibodies, selenium supplementation decreases anti-thyroid antibody levels and improves […]