Bioidentical Hormone Estriol Beneficial For Multiple Sclerosis MS by Jeffrey Dach MD Multiple sclerosis affects about a million people worldwide. It is an auto-immune neuro-degenerative disorder characterized by demyelinating plaques thought the brain and spinal cord, visible on MRI scans (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CAT scans. The demyelinating plaques interfere with neuron function, and cause […]

Low Dose Naltrexone Part Four
Low Dose Naltrexone – LDN Part Four by Jeffrey Dach MD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy RSD – and Fibromyalgia Left Image: Bone Scan showing increased uptake left hand, positive for reflex sympathetic dystrophy, courtesy of My previous articles on LDN discuss its use in Multiple Sclerosis (1,2) and Crohn’s Disease (3,4). This article deals with […]

Remission from Crohns Disease with Low Dose Naltrexone LDN
A Case of Remission from Crohns Disease with Low Dose Naltrexone LDN by Jeffrey Dach MD Tom came into my office about 6 months ago. He is a 32 year old male with a long history of inflammatory bowel disease. He has been evaluated and treated by many gasteroenterologists over the years, and was told he […]
Hepatitis C, Autoimmunity and Gluten by Jeffrey Dach MD
Hepatitis C, Autoimmunity and Gluten by Jeffrey Dach MD Unethical Advertising for a Disease Advertisement to draw attention to a disease should raise a red warning flag. A basic rule is that real diseases don’t need any advertising, Only phony or fake diseases require advertising, to increase sales and profits for the drug for the […]