
EECP ExtraCorporeal External Counter-Pulsation

EECP by Jeffrey Dach MD

Reversing Heart Disease

How to Avoiding Cardiac Bypass and Stenting with a non-invasive procedure your doctor won’t tell you about.

Stimulating Collateral Vessels with EECP

I first learned of EECP from a talk given by Julian Whitaker MD at one of the large national medical meetings about seven years ago. (see video below).  The concept is remarkably simple, and yet incredibly effective.  Blood pressure cuffs are inflated over the lower extremities in phase with an EKG trigger during cardiac relaxation (diastole).

This pumps extra blood retrograde into the coronary arteries, which over time, stimulates collateral blood vessel formation.

In patients with clogged or occluded arteries, these new collateral vessels bring a fresh blood supply to the ischemic , “at risk” myocardium.

EECP is a drug free, non-invasive procedure that restores collateral blood flow to the heart of patients with occlusive coronary artery disease.  A successful EECP treatment program means that patients no longer require the expensive hospital based procedures to open the coronary arteries,  such as cardiac bypass, coronary artery stenting or angioplasty.  Needless to say, mainstream cardiology is not too happy about the lost income.

However, patients are happy because they have recovered their health without a trip to the operating room or the cath lab.

Dr James Roberts and DeToxMax and Lipophos EDTA

Dr. James Roberts uses EECP in conjunction with an oral nutritional supplement called Detox Max Plus or LipoPhos EDTA which is phosphatidyl choline EDTA in a lipospheric form.  Here is a link to Dr James Roberts with video and text discussing DetoxMax Plus EDTA Phospholipid.

Medical Studies on EECP

There are about a hundred published medical studies on EECP which can be seen at this link here.

Locations Offering EECP

At the present time, we do not have EECP in our office, so we refer patients to one of a dozen or so local EECP centers in South Florida.  Locations are listed at this link here.

Below, I have included a few informational videos on EECP, Extra Corporal Counter Pulsation (see below):

Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
Davie Fl 33314



EECP Therapy-one minute video.  EECP is a treatment to increase collateral blood vessels in the coronary arteries which are located in the heart.  During EECP, the patient lies on a treatment table with large blood pressure cuffs wrapped around the patient’s calves and legs.  EKG electrodes are applied to the patient’s chest.

Using an EKG trigger, compression of the blood pressure cuffs, is timed to the patients’ heartbeat (during diastole).  The treatment cuffs inflate in sequence from the calves to the thighs to the upper legs during Diastole (cardiac relaxation phase).

Just before the next heartbeat (just before systole). all the cuffs deflate at the same time,  The squeezing action of the cuffs, during diastole, increases blood flow to heart muscle increasing the amount of oxygen rich blood.  Typically patient will underfo thirty five one-hour treatments of EECP.   Costs average 135 dollars per treatment session.

This treatment may result in the recruitment and or enlargement of small blood vessels known as collateral vessels and increase the blood supply to the heart muscle. The goal of treatment is improved blood flow through the coronary arteries, with a reduction in chest pain (angina).  Other symtoms such as fatigue, and shortness of breath may improve.  Other organs such as the kidneys and the brain may also benefit with improved blood flow



Video on Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) – Borgess Heart Institute
BorgessHealth· 2 minute TV news show on EECP



What Is EECP Treatment?  Julian Whitaker



EECP Treatment for Angina at The Dove Clinic, Twyford by David Webb· This video  explains the EECP machine, showing patient undergoing treatment with cuffs in place on legs.


Links and References

What is EECP?  March 28th, 2011. – by Vicente Font, MD, FACP, FCCP, FACC
Holy cross Hospital Ft LAuderdale

What is EECP?  Miami Cardiology Group Baptist Medical Arts Building
8950 North Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33176 (305) 279-4500

Debra Braverman, M.D. has recently been appointed Director of EECP in
the Division of Cardiology at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This bold move has put Albert Einstein
Medical Center at the top of the list of academic EECP centers in the

Heal Your Heart with EECP: The Only Noninvasive Way to Overcome Heart
Disease Debra Braverman (Author)

More than 100 articles and studies on EECP have been published in
leading cardiology journals, all supporting the treatment’s safety and
effectiveness. We hope you find this sampling helpful, and we will
continue to update this section as often as possible.

EECP®Therapy – A simple, non-invasive solution to the complex problem
of angina and heart failure.
Offered exclusively by Vasomedical, Inc., EECP® Therapy is a safe,
non-invasive, outpatient treatment option for patients suffering from
ischemic heart diseases such as angina and heart failure. EECP®
Therapy has helped hundreds of thousands of patients around the world.
Clinical studies show over 75% of patients benefit from EECP® Therapy
with sustained improvement up to three years post-treatment.

EECP locations in South Florida

EECP Saves Countless Lives
May 27th, 2012     Posted by: SofferHealth

Dr Ariel Soffer Offices and contact info south Florida

What is EECP?  Miami Cardiology Group Baptist Medical Arts Building
8950 North Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33176 (305) 279-4500

EECP is a treatment intended for patients with clogged coroanary
arteries, atherscloerotic vascualar disease.  They may have chronic angina, a history of multiple bypasses or angioplasties, frequent trips to the hospital ER for heart disease related symptoms, etc.

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) was originally theorized in the 1950s.

In the early 1970s and 1980’s  researchers from China collaborated
with the State University of New York, Stony Brook to refine the
external counterpulsation device.

Medical Studies show that EECP reduces frequency and intensity of
angina attacks, allows for a greater tolerance for exercise, may
reduce need for medication, and, most important, improves quality of

Recent studies show that the benefits be long lasting and some remain
symptom free for many years.

EECP has become the treatment of choice for patients who have
undergone one or more bypass procedures or have seen no improvement
with the use of antianginal medications. EECP is an FDA-approved,
non-invasive, outpatient treatment for myriad cardiovascularconditions
including congestive heart failure and chronic angina. EECP is
recommended for patients who may have exhausted other treatment
methods, such as bypass surgery, angioplasty, or antianginal
medications. EECP works by helping the blood flow bypass blocked or
partially blocked arteries by rerouting the blood through nearby
artery branches (called collateral circulation).

Who is eligible?

EECP is not considered a first line treatment. Typically, physicians
consider people with chronic chest pain (angina) that has not been
helped by medication, people who have other existing diseases or
conditions that would make them poor candidates for invasive
procedures (such as surgery), or people who have continued to have
heart problems despite multiple bypass surgeries or angioplasty

EECP is not recommended for patients with:uncontrolled heart failure;
blood pressure higher than 180/110;a heart rate higher than 120 beats per minute;
lung disease; and a history of phlebitis (vein inflammation)
Pregnant women are advised not to undergo EECP.

Risk Factors

EECP is risk free; no adverse events have been reported during or
following the procedure. Chafing and skin irritation have been known
to occur because of the movements of the cuffs; therefore, physicians
recommend that the patient wear tight-fitting pants such as bicycle
shorts or tight-fitting athletic pants.

What to Expect

EECP is conducted in a series of 35 one-hour sessions. Typically only
a single one-hour session is performed in a day; however, in some
cases, two sessions can be conducted in one day providing the patient
rests between the sessions.

When the patient arrives for the procedure, he or she is asked to lie
on a bed in the treatment room. Electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes
are fixed to the patient’s chest to monitor the heartbeat, and a
plethysmograph (finger sensor) is attached to a patient’s finger. A
series of pressure cuffs (similar to blood pressure cuffs) are wrapped
around the patient’s calves, lower thighs, and upper thighs.
Synchronized to the heartbeat by the ECG, the cuffs are inflated and
deflated. The rapid inflation and deflation of the cuffs are modulated
by the cardiac cycle (heartbeats). As the cuffs are inflated, the
patient will feel a slight squeeze (or hug), similar to the feeling
experienced for a blood pressure cuff. The cuffs are inflated one at a
time in a sequence from low (calves) to high (upper thighs), and the
pressure moves the blood from the lower limbs toward the heart. Blood
is delivered to the heart at the precise moment it is relaxing and
blood flows through the vessels at its peak. Just before the heart
pumps, the pressure in the cuffs is released and all of the cuffs are
deflated at one time.

Post-Treatment Guidelines

EECP requires no recovery period. Following the first few treatment
sessions, however, some patients report feeling fatigued. After a few
sessions, the feelings of fatigue decrease as the patient becomes more
tolerant of the procedure.

Long-Term Prognosis

The results of a five-year follow-up study published in the journal
Clinical Cardiology in 2000, reported that out of 33 patients who had
undergone the EECP procedure, 21 (64%) were still alive five years
later without any major cardiovascular events or the need for bypass
surgery or balloon angioplasty.

Top Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons- EECP http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sequential_Inflation_And_Deflation_Of_Leg_Cuffs_During_Vasomedical_EECP%C2%AE_Therapy.jpg

Sequential Inflation And Deflation Of Leg Cuffs During Vasomedical EECP® Therapy 26 August 2011 Vasomedicaleecp


Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
Davie Fl 33314

Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road, Suite 190
Davie, Fl 33314

Click Here for: Dr Dach’s Online Store for Pure Encapsulations Supplements
Click Here for: Dr Dach’s Online Store for Nature’s Sunshine Supplements

Web Site and Discussion Board Links:

jdach1.typepad.com/blog/ disc.yourwebapps.com/Indices/244124.html

Disclaimer click here: www.drdach.com/wst_page20.html

The reader is advised to discuss the comments on these pages with his/her personal physicians and to only act upon the advice of his/her personal physician. Also note that concerning an answer which appears as an electronically posted question, I am NOT creating a physician — patient relationship. Although identities will remain confidential as much as possible, as I can not control the media, I can not take responsibility for any breaches of confidentiality that may occur.

Link to this article:http://wp.me/p3gFbV-jB


Copyright (c) 2013 Jeffrey Dach MD All Rights Reserved. This article may be reproduced on the internet without permission, provided there is a link to this page and proper credit is given.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of significance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.



  1. ECP Support June 3, 2013 at 12:36 AM

    Our site http://www.ExternalCounterpulsaton.com is the most comprehensive online resource to gather information on External Counterpulsation Therapy. Not to mention, you might get a patient referral (or few) from us if you establish contact with us.

    Support Staff

  2. ECP Support June 3, 2013 at 12:38 AM


  3. Larry Liebman June 4, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    Please note that http://www.externalcounterpulsatrion.com is not an “Official” site for the industry as it claims to be. It is a commercial site, possibly misleading patients and clinicians to a commercial competitor who is using this ruse to get sales leads. The site also uses references to Vasomedical EECP therapy published studies as clinical evidence (since they have none of their own). EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) is the gold standard of external counterpulsation with over 160 publications including controlled, randomized studies publsihed in peer reviewed medical journals. EECP Therapy is a registered trademark of Vasomedical Inc., Westbury, N.Y. EECP therapy is included in the 2012 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Chronic Stable Ischemic Heart Disease. Accept no substitutes and visit http://www.eecp.com. Callers may contact us at 1-800-455-3327.

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