by Jeffrey Dach MD
At a recent medical meeting, a doctor confided in me about his breast cancer patient who declined treatment with surgery and chemo, and instead spent two weeks at a wellness retreat specializing in wheatgrass juice and a “live food”, vegetarian diet. She also took 50 mg Iodoral a day, an Iodine supplement.
Three months later, the patient reported that the mass in her breast had regressed and was so small she couldn’t feel it any more. Follow up scans showed dramatic improvement, and the radiologist announced “the chemotherapy was working”!! This story intrigued me, as it suggested a biologically active agent in the wheatgrass juice with a beneficial effect on breast cancer. Over the years, I had seen wheatgrass juice sold at various juice bars, and have even tried it a few times without thinking much of it. However, this story motivated me to look further. Above Images: Wheatgrass Juice courtesy of Wikimedia commons.
I discovered a book from the 1970’s entitled How I Conquered Cancer Naturally
by Eydie Mae Hunsberger. This is a true story of a woman in the 1970’s who had recurrent axillary lymph node enlargement following lumpectomy for breast cancer. She declined chemotherapy and instead visited Ann Wigmore in Boston where she learned about wheatgrass juice and a live food diet, to which she attributed her recovery and remission from what appeared to be fatal breast cancer.(left image book cover courtesy of Eydie Mae Hunsberger.
Here is a quote from Eydie Mae Hunsberger from page 131 of her book:
“Here I am a cancer patient not long ago given an eighty per cent chance to live one year. I’m supposed to be sick and dying. And now I am seemingly free from all symptoms, except my lumps, and they are diminishing all the time…just as long as I continue to eat live foods, and drink my wheatgrass juice. How incredible, here at our fingertips for so long, an answer to cancer! No One will believe us. It’s too simple. It’s too easy.This phantom cancer has been such a hopeless subject for so long, no one will believe us. I don’t care whether anyone believes us or not. I am going to tell the whole world.” Left image: mammogram showing breast cancer (red arrows), courtesy of wikimedia commons. )
I also discovered another anecdotal case of recovery from breast cancer with wheatgrass juice in Steve Meyerowitz’s book,Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine: . Two more anecdotal cases of breast cancer with remission attributed to wheatgrass juice were found in the book, How and When to
be Your Own Doctor written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with her husband Steve Solomon and published in 1997.(left image: book cover image courtesy of Steve Meyerowitz). Another striking case report in the medical literature concerns a case of peritoneal cancer, a form of cancer which is rapidly fatal. The 89 year old patient refused chemotherapy and instead used wheat grass therapy with complete remission of the cancer four years after treatment.(link to full article here).
More testimonials listed here on this web site.
The beneficial anti-cancer effects of wheatgrass are thought to be due to abscisic acid, a plant hormone which delays germination.
This similarity in chemical structure is thought to explain the beneficial effect of wheatgrass juice in cases of chronic anemia such as thalassemia. A report from India showed reduction of transfusion requirements in children with thalassemia who received wheatgrass juice therapy.
According to Bar-Sela at Rambam Medical Center, wheatgrass juice prevents bone marrow toxicity from chemotherapy without diminishing the effects of the chemo. This study was done in terminal breast cancer patients who noted improvement in blood count after wheatgrass therapy.
Wheatgrass juice has also a long history of use as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and as promoter of wound healing. A 2002 report showed that Wheat grass juice appeared safe and effective as a treatment for Ulcerative Colitis, an inflammatory condition of the colon.
Crohn’s Disease
Chris Reynolds, an Australian Practitioner, has reported success with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory condition of the small bowel.
A 1988 review article by Chernomorsky & Segelman reported anti-inflammatory, wound healing and odor reducing capabilities of chlorophyllin (a component of wheatgrass). Chlorophyllin has bacteriostatic properties aiding in wound healing, and stimulates the production of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in anemic animals. It has been used to treat various kinds of skin lesions, burnsand ulcers where it acts as a wound healing agent, stimulating granulation tissue and epithelization.
Research from the 1940’s describe improved healing for osteomyelitis, deep suppurative or draining wounds, diabetic ulcers, Vincent’s stomatitis and pyorrhea.
According to Benjamin Gruskin, M.D., benefits of wheatgrass juice extend to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.
Dr. Chris Reynolds, a wheatgrass practitioner from Australia recommends wheatgrass for treatment of various conditions:Acne, Alopecia, Anal fissure, Crohn’s Disease, Eczema, Hematoma (bruising), Molluscum contagiosum, Multiple sclerosis, Skin and skin-related conditions, Sports and soft tissue injuries, Wound healing.
I was so intrigued by the benefits of wheatgrass, this motivated me to try it myself. I called a supplier, who grows trays of wheatgrass and delivers them directly to your home. He plants the seeds and grows the trays which he irrigates with ocean water. The ocean water irrigation gives the wheatgrass bioavailable minerals from the sea.
Once the trays were delivered to my home, I prepared the wheatgrass juice daily. Using a pair of scissors, the wheatgrass is cut and placed into an Omega Juicer. This home prepared fresh juice is much sweeter and palatable than the juice bar variety. I noticed more energy, clarity of mind, improvement in mood, and a general anti-inflammatory effect. I noticed that aches and pains seemed to disappear and old areas of hidden inflammation or infection seemed to resolve. There is something to this wheatgrass juice that is very beneficial.
There are many companies offering wheatgrass juice products. A few are listed in the Steve Meyerowitz Wheatgrass book. Even though I had live wheatgrass, I decided to try the frozen and the freeze dried products.
I ordered the frozen wheatgrass juice from Dynamic Greens. The product arrived promptly to my house as frozen cubes of wheatgrass juice. Preparing a glass of wheatgrass was easy. Simply pop the green cubes into a glass, add water, wait a few minutes for the cubes to melt, and it’s ready to drink. I found the taste to be pleasant and quite enjoyable.
I must apologize for not including many other good products, but time constraints have limited this list.
There is no question in my mind that the maximal health benefit is gained by preparing your own fresh juice at home from live wheatgrass. However, for those of us looking for a more convenient way to go, there is still considerable nutritional benefit from the frozen juice or the freeze dried juice. For anyone traveling, a freeze dried powder is a good travel solution.
Do you have a favorite wheatgrass product and a story about the benefits, or adverse effects of wheatgrass juice?
A Fertile Ground for New Research.
There must be some unknown healing “wheat grass juice factor” beneficial for the immune system, involved in cell signaling, and inhibiting cancer. Could this factor be abscisic acid, chlorophyll, Vitamin K2, or some other unknown plant compound? Wheatgrass is a natural substance which cannot be patented. If we depend on drug company research, we may never find the “Wheat Juice Factor”. This is where public funding with NIH research grants for basic science in the University setting can play an important role. Clearly, this is an area ripe for new discoveries which can lead to great medical benefits.
This article in no way advocates wheatgrass as a replacement or substitute for mainstream medical advice or treatment for any medical condition or disease. Please consult your personal physician regarding questions about medical conditions, medications, nutritional supplements, or diet.
Links to Related Content:
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Jeffrey Dach MD
Links and References:
Sproutman – Steve Meyerowitz is one of the world’s leading proponents of sprouting, juicing, fasting, wheatgrass, indoor gardening, raw foods, and pure water. He was christened “Sproutman” in the 1970’s because of his passion for sprouts and indoor gardening and the nutritious, organic foods they provide.
Exerpts from his book: Wheatgrass, Natures Finest Medicine
Grass The Medicine beneath our Feet by Steve Meyerowitz
Freeze-Dried-Wheatgrass by Steve Meyerowitz
This exerpt includes a story about a woman who recovers from breast cancer using wheagrass juice diet. The husbans is a dog vet who then uses wheatgrass juice on sick dogs with much success.
Ann Wigmore web site
The Hippocrates Health Institute, web site. Deemed the world’s number one teaching institute in the year 2000 by Spa Management Group, this historic and thriving center was founded by visionary and humanitarian Ann Wigmore and is currently under the leadership of Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement. Hippocrates Health Institute, 1443 Palmdale Court West Palm Beach, FL 33411 USA Reservations 800-842-2125 Telephone 561-471-8876 Fax 561-471-9464
The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore. The originator of the wheatgrass juice live diet as a medical therapy. Ann Wigmore ran a wheatgrass facility in Boston until her death in the 1990’s from fire and smoke inhalation.
Wheatgrass – Nature’s Finest Medicine by Steve Meyerowitz. This book is the single most important and complete book on Wheatgrass Juice.
How I Conquered Cancer Naturally by Eydie Mae Hunsberger
The true story of a woman in the 1970’s who had had recurrent lymph node enlargement following a lumpectomy for breast cancer. She declined chemotherapy and instead visited Ann Wigmore’s facility in Boston where she learned about wheatgrass juice and a live food diet, to which she attributed her recovery.
Wheatgrass Juice – Gift of Nature by Betsy Russell Manning.
Wheat-Free Recipes and Menus by Carol Fenster Ph.D.
Abscisic acid
Biological activities: Inhibition of growth and maintenance of the dormancy of buds are the most striking effects of ABA. ABA is an efficient inhibitor of germination and occurs in high concentrations in dormant seeds.
Medical Literature;US8045841
Chiu-Nan Lai et al: The inhibitions of in vitro metabolic activation of carcinogens by wheat sprout extracts. Nutrition & Cancer, 1978,1(1) Fall: 27 – 30.
CN Lai (1979) Chlorophyll: The active factor in wheat sprout extract inhibiting the metabolic activation of carcinogens in vitro. Nutrition and Cancer, 1 (3):19-21
Blood Regeneration-Thalassemmia
Wheat Grass Juice Reduces Transfusion Requirement in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Pilot Study (Opens as .pdf) R.K. Marwaha et al. India.
The Study: Randomly selected patients with transfusion dependent b-thalassemia, enrolled in the thalassemia unit of the Advanced Pediatrics Center were recruited for the study. About 100ml of freshly extracted wheat grass juice was consumed daily. Patients had to be on wheat grass juice for at least one year, after the neutral period (6 months), for inclusion in the analysis. Conclusion: Consumption of wheat grass juice was found to have beneficial effect on the transfusion requirements in 50% of patients in this pilot study.
Medical Case Reports –
Breast Cancer
Case report of two cases of terminal breast cancer cured with wheat grass. Excerpted from the book “HOW AND WHEN TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR” written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with her husband Steve Solomon and published in 1997.
Peritoneal Cancer Case Report
J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Feb;11(1):161-5.
Bovine cartilage, coenzyme Q10, and wheat grass therapy for primary peritoneal cancer. Forgionne GA. The accepted postsurgical first-line therapy for primary peritoneal cancer has been a regime of chemotherapy. This paper reports the case of an 89-year-old female who refused chemotherapy but accepted a nutritional alternative. Results after more than 4 years of the nutritional regime have been encouraging with regards to objective and subjective measures.
Case report of peritoneal cancer cured with wheatgrass. The results suggest that the primary peritoneal cancer is in remission for the studied patient more than 1 year after her surgery. Moreover, the evidence indicates that the primary peritoneal cancer has not metastasized. Since the patient has received no conventional treatment postsurgical, the possibility exists that the nutritional regime has been at least a contributing factor to these positive results. It is also possible that the nutritional regime is an effective postsurgical first line therapy for primary peritoneal cancer. Since there are no adverse effects from the regime, the therapy can be continued indefinitely.
Anti-Chronic Leukemia
Planta Med 2007; 73 . Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) extracts on chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cell line. A Karadag 1, T Ozkan 2, B Altınok 2, S Aydos 1, A Sunguroglu 1 1 Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology, Ankara, Turkey
Reduces Chemotherapy Adverse Effects in Breast Cancer
Nutr Cancer. 2007;58(1):43-8
Wheat grass juice may improve hematological toxicity related to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: a pilot study.Bar-Sela G, Tsalic M, Fried G, Goldberg H. Division of Oncology, Rambam Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 31096, Israel.
Myelotoxicity induced by chemotherapy may become life-threatening. Neutropenia may be prevented by granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (GCSF), and epoetin may prevent anemia, but both cause substantial side effects and increased costs. According to non-established data, wheat grass juice (WGJ) may prevent myelotoxicity when applied with chemotherapy. In conclusion, it was found that WGJ taken during FAC chemotherapy may reduce myelotoxicity, dose reductions, and need for GCSF support, without diminishing efficacy of chemotherapy.
Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
Effect of Wheat Grass Juice in Supportive Care of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients — A Tertiary Cancer Centre Experience from India. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2006 ASCO Meeting Proceedings Part I. Vol 24, No. 18s (June 20 Supplement), 2006: 8634. Dey S., Sarkar R., Ghosh P., Khatun R., Ghorai K., Choudhury R., Ahmed R., Gupta, P., Mukhopadhyay S., Mukhopadhyay A.
During a period from January 2003 to December 2005, 400 solid organ cancer patients were selected in the palliative care unit of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute (India) to see the effect of wheat grass haemoglobin levels, serum proteins & performance status.Conclusion: It was concluded that wheat grass juice is an effective alternative (natural) for blood transfusion. Its use in terminally ill cancer patients should be encouraged.
Benefit for Terminally Ill
Cancer Prevention Research 1 (7 Supplement), B139, November 1, 2008.
Effect of wheat grass juice in supportive care of terminally ill solid organ cancer patients: Experience from eastern India, Soma Mukhopadhyay et al, Kolkata, India
Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2002 Apr;37(4):444-9.
Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Ben-Arye et al. The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa.
The use of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) juice for treatment of various gastrointestinal and other conditions had been suggested by its proponents for more than 30 years, but was never clinically assessed in a controlled trial. A preliminary unpublished pilot study suggested efficacy of wheat grass juice in the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. One gastroenterology unit in a tertiary hospital and three study coordinating centers in three major cities in Israel. CONCLUSION: Wheat grass juice appeared effective and safe as a single or adjuvant treatment
of active distal UC.
Ulcerative Colitis
Wheat Grass Juice for Ulcerative Colitis Alan R. Gaby, MD,
According to a new double-blind study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,1 people taking wheat grass juice experienced a significant improvement of their ulcerative colitis symptoms on a scale that measured overall disease activity, compared with people taking a placebo. Wheat grass juice also significantly reduced the severity of rectal bleeding and abdominal pain.
In addition to the positive results mentioned above, an examination of the colon (sigmoidoscopy) showed improvement in 78% of the people receiving wheat grass juice, compared with only 30% of those receiving placebo. No serious side effects were seen.
The use of wheat grass juice for therapeutic purposes was pioneered by the late Dr. Ann Wigmore. In 1956, she founded the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, which emphasizes health promotion through the use of natural foods and wheat grass supplements. Although this “green drink” has been promoted for nearly 50 years as a treatment for a wide range of health conditions (including cancer), until now it has not been tested in clinical trials.
Wheat grass is produced by sprouting and planting the seeds of the common wheat plant (Triticum aestivum). The difference between wheat grass and what most of us recognize as edible wheat is that the former is harvested much earlier in its life cycle. The wheat grass juice used in the new study was prepared fresh each day and consumed within an hour of extraction. Wheat grass juice has long been sold at many health food stores and juice bars. Some people grow wheat grass at home from the seeds. Kits designed to facilitate the growing process are commercially available.
Antioxidant activity of wheatgrass
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions Sunil D. Kulkarni 1, Jai. C. Tilak 2, R. Acharya 3, Nilima S. Rajurkar 1, T. P. A. Devasagayam 2, A. V. R. Reddy 3 * 1Department of Chemistry, University of Pune, Pune 411 007, India
Anti-Inflammatory and Wound Healing
N J Med. 1988 Aug;85(8):669-73. Chernomorsky & Segelman. 1988.
Review Article: Biological activities of chlorophyll derivatives The authors review the anti-inflammatory, wound healing and odor reducing capabilities of chlorophyllin. Chlorophyllin has bacteriostatic properties aiding in wound healing, and stimulates the production of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in anemic animals. It has been used to treat various kinds of skin lesions, burns and ulcers where it acts as a wound healing agent, stimulating granulation tissue and epithelization. In some cases chronic ulcers failed to respond but use of novel preparations has aided in these cases. The mode of action is not well understood but the authors suggest it may involve the formation of complexes with proteins. Treatment with chlorophyll has been neglected in the past few decades as the use of steroids and antimicrobial products became more prevalent.
Wound Healing and Burns
Smith & Livingston. 1943. Chlorophyll. An experimental study of its water soluble derivatives in wound healing. Chlorophyll preparations should be used much more extensively in the treatment of wounds and burns.
A Selection of 27 Summaries From Medical and Scientific Journal Articles Supportive of Clinical Effectiveness of Wheatgrass
Tamura. 1959. The effect on experimental anemia of radioactive Co60 chlorophyllin. Co-chlorophyllin increased the leucocyte count and hemoglobin content in rats and directly or indirectly stimulated hematopoiesis (blood formation).
Grass Juice Factor – Kohler
Kohler et al. 1939. The grass juice factor. The grass juice ‘factor’ was precipitated from grass juice or dehydrated grass by using acetone. It is necessary for the normal growth of rats and guinea pigs. Guinea pigs fed a rationed diet died in 3 to 10 weeks but when dehydrated grass was included in the same diet they grew normally.
Kohler et al. 1936. Growth stimulating properties of grass juice
Growth of rats is greater on a diet of summer milk than winter milk. When grass juice was added to the winter milk diet, growth increased from 2 to 4 grams a day. It was concluded that there are important water-soluble substances in the juice that affect the nutritive value of summer milk.
Kohler. 1944. The effect of stage of growth on the chemistry of the grasses.
Younger grass tends to be richer in protein, soluble carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin. Using oats, Kohler found that several of the vitamins, protein, crude fat and chlorophyll reached peak concentrations at or near the jointing stage, hence the nutritive value of grass is likely to be optimal at this point.
Grass Juice Factor
Kohler, Elvehjem & Hart. 1938. The relation of the ‘grass juice factor’ to guinea pig nutrition. Guinea pigs were fed on winter milk or milk plus supplement. The winter milk was deficient in one or more essential factors necessary for normal development, and the animals faded away. When dried barley or wheat grass was given as a supplement, growth was normal. The growth stimulating factor of grass is essential for maintenance and growth of guinea pigs. The active principle is soluble in plant juices and activity falls at room temperature.
Cholesterol Lowering Effect of Wheatgrass
Ohtake et al. 1985a. Studies on the constituents of green juice from young barley leaves. Effect on dietarily induced hypercholesterolemia in rats Substances extracted from barley leaf juice lowered plasma cholesterol (after 9 days) of rats fed on a high cholesterol diet.
Peryt et al. 1992. Mechanism of antimutagenicity of wheat sprout extracts
A supernatant extract from wheat grass reduced the production of carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon (benzopyrene) derivatives. Inhibition of benzopyrene mutagenicity with non-chlorophyll containing wheat sprout extract suggests that chlorophyll is not the main compound responsible.
Peryt et al. 1988. Antimutagenic effects of several subfractions of extract from wheat sprout, An aqueous extract from wheat sprout appears to contain two antimutagenic factors as assayed in laboratory bacteriological tests. One compound is of low molecular weight and another of high molecular weight.
Lai et al. 1980. Antimutagenic activities of common vegetables and their chlorophyll content Extractions from vegetables (carrots, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, spinach, broccoli) inhibited mutagenic activity in standard assays. Inhibitory activity was correlated with chlorophyll content.
Chronic Osteomyelitis
Carpenter. 1949. Clinical experiences with chlorophyll preparations
A clinical study using chlorophyll preparations to treat chronic osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis secondary to compound fractures and chronically infected wounds and ulcers. The study included many patients that had been resistant to other forms of therapy. The author considered chlorophyll preparations not necessarily a cure, but was interested to find ‘such rapid eradication of infection and healing of wounds’.
Wound Healing
Smith & Livingston. 1943. Chlorophyll. An experimental study of its water soluble derivatives in wound healing. Conclusion: ‘On the basis of these observations it is suggested that chlorophyll preparations should be used much more extensively in the treatment of wounds and burns.’
Bowers. 1947. Chlorophyll in wound healing and suppurative disease
Lieutenant Colonel Bowers of the US Army reports on the use of water-soluble derivatives of chlorophyll in over 400 cases over a period of nine months. He (and colleagues) noted several major effects, notably: loss of odour associated with infected wounds; a stimulating effect on tissue formation (granulation tissue) when used as a dressing particularly for burns; and a drying effect in the case of abscesses, sinus tracts, surface lesions and osteomyelitis.
Mention is made of chlorophyll efficacy in treatment of cyst wounds, fistula-in-ano (6 cases), sarcoma/carcinoma (4 cases), ulcerative colitis (1 case), thoracic empyema (several cases, 2 particularly effective), gunshot wound sinus tracts (17 cases), decubitis ulcer (4 cases) and burns (4 patients). In 119 cases of compound fractures to limbs chlorophyll reduced odour and enhanced healing, in some cases with exceptional results, e.g. legs saved from seemingly inevitable amputation. Numerous other cases and conditions are mentioned. Chlorophyll was comfortable as a wet dressing and was easily tolerated by patients. The author “is convinced that chlorophyll is the best agent known for use in the treatment of suppurative diseases, indolent ulcers or wherever stimulation of tissue repair is desired..” although it is not presented as a cure-all.
Prevents Aflatoxin induced Liver Cancer
Egner et al. 2001. Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer ( Qidong , China )
Residents of the area are at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) partly as a result of ingesting aflatoxin. Chlorophyllin was shown to be an inhibitor of aflatoxin carcinogenesis in animals, so this trial was carried out with 180 adult patients. Levels of aflatoxin-guanine in urine (associated with increased risk of liver cancer) were found to decrease 55% over a four month period in comparison to placebo. No adverse events were reported.
Breinholt et al. 1995. Mechanisms of chlorophyllin anticarcinogenesis against aflatoxin B-1, Chlorophyllin inhibits carcinogenesis due to aflatoxin.
Gum Disease
Goldberg. 1943. The use of water soluble chlorophyll in oral sepsis. Water soluble chlorophyll was used to treat mouth infections and following ‘dramatic and satisfactory’ early results, over 300 cases of Vincent’s stomatitis and pyorrhea have been treated. In pyorrhea the use of chlorophyll resulted in cessation of bleeding from gums and growth of new tissue, and in Vincent’s stomatitis chlorophyll regularly brought about complete recovery and more promptly than with other agents. The non-toxic nature and soothing effect of chlorophyll is also beneficial.
Skin Ulcers
Gahan, Kline & Finkle. 1943. Chlorophyll in the treatment of ulcers Provides some historical information concerning the isolation of chlorophyll and its use in stimulating tissue growth. Ulcers of the skin were treated topically with chlorophyll ointment and aqueous solution. 19 of 25 patients responded favourably to the treatment, with development of granulation tissue.
Wheat Grass Practitioner
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S Australia
Wound healing? Think growth factors. by Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S
Wheatgrass for treatment of various conditions: Acne, Alopecia, Anal fissure, Eczema, Hematoma (bruising), Molluscum contagiosum, Multiple sclerosis, Skin and skin-related conditions, Sports and soft tissue injuries, Wound healing
Reverses Hair loss
Dr. Chris’ Wheatgrass at Work Newsletters
Wheatgrass For Inflammation About Dr. Chris Reynolds
Wheatgrass and IBS/Crohns disease – by Dr. Chris Reynolds M.B.,B.S April, 2004 – Crohn’s Disease & ?The Return of Wheatgrass Healing Crohn’s Disease—A-Medical-Breakthrough&id=118762
Wheatgrass For Anal Fissure – A Medical Breakthrough By Dr. Chris Reynolds
Benjamin Gruskin, M.D.
In the AmericanJournal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfullytreat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases
Infections, Colds,9171,764228,00.html
Chlorophyll for Colds Monday, Jul. 22, 1940 Professor Benjamin Gruskin of Philadelphia’s Temple University
One of the very first to report on chlorophyll’s healing aspects in this regard was Benjamin Gruskin, M.D., formerly Director of Experimental Pathology and Oncology at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Although his report, which appeared in the July 1940 issue of American Journal of Surgery is nearly half a century old, its many remarkable findings still are relevant in the 1990’s. They are consulted from time to time by modern physicians looking to help patients with serious infections which regular antibiotics can’t seem to correct.
Dr. Gruskin pointed out that “in vitro experiments…show that chlorophyll…does seem to possess…bacteriostatic property,” meaning that it can help kill harmful bacteria. He mentions its importance in correcting strep and staph infections, often the cause of many hospital-induced infections. And “where a great deal of putrefaction with associated foul odor exists (obviously the result of secondary bacterial infection and proteolysis),” he wrote, “the use of chlorophyll tends to clear up this foul odor rather promptly.” Furthermore, he said, chlorophyll “helps to stimulate the production of the connective tissue, and in this way may even be of value in the treatment of such lesions so far as limiting their growth locally may be concerned.” He had reference to ulcerative carcinoma in this case.
Dr. Gruskin quoted Dr. J. Norman Coombs, an Associate Professor of Surgery at Temple University Hospital, concerning the extreme value of chlorophyll in surgical infections. Dr. Coombs noted that “there are two major types of lesion in which chlorophyll seems to be particulary indicated: first, in the treatment of open wounds; and second in the treatment of deep infections associated with drainage tracts communicating within the body cavities such as the abdomen or chest. For open wounds, dressings saturated with chlorophyll solution may be applied as often as may be necessary without fear of skin irritation…Its use…is desirable to promote healthy granulation and wound healing…and to hasten…skin regeneration.
The author also cited the usefulness of chlorophyll in otolaryngology, citing the evidence provided by Drs. Robert F. Ridpath and T. Carroll Davis of Temple University Hospital & Clinic, who treated over 1,000 cases of head cold or acute rhinitis and rhinosinusitis with chlorophyll. Dr. Ridpath was also quoted as claiming that “chlorophyll is a very valuable remedy” in treating chronic inner ear infections and inflammations.
Finally, the work of Dr. Carroll S. Wright, Professor of Dermatology and Syphilogy at Temple University School of Medicine and Dr. Homer Junkin of the Paris Hospital in Paris, Illinois was cited in closing. Dr. Wright found that chlorophyll was ideal in treating diabetic leg ulcers and contagious impetigo (a scabby, pustular skin eruption), rectal sores, vaginitis, and infection of the uterine cervix. Dr. Junkin, on the other hand, discovered that advanced pyorrhea “can be successfully controlled by intensive use of chlorophyll.” Once the gums and teeth are thoroughly saturated with liquid chlorophyll, “the gums tighten up about the teeth, all purulent discharge ceases, and the infection appears to clear up entirely.
Besides this, other researchers have discovered strong inhibiting powers against certain forms of chemically-induced cancers in wheat grass chlorophyll. Dr. Chiu-Nan Lai, with the Dept. of Biology, The University of Texas System Cancer Center, part of the M.D. Anderson Hospital & Tumor Institute in Houston, reported in Nutrition & Cancer (1:27-30, 1978) that liquid fractions of wheat grass “selectively inhibited the mutagenic effect of carcinogens requiring metabolic activation…” Further studies on the strong antimutagenic activities of certain common vegetable chlorophylls was later reported in another cancer journal, Mutation Research (77:245-50, 1980).
History of Wheatgrass
Power Point Presentation on WHeatgrass
Ten Reasons Why Wheatgrass power point slides
Books on Wheatgrass
Cereal Grass – What’s in it for you! Chapter 4 : Chlorophyll as Therapy
“Chlorophyll, the healer, is at once powerful and bland— devastating to germs, yet gentle to wounded body tissues. Exactly how it works is still Nature’s secret; [but] to the layman, at least, the phenomenon seems like green magic.” H.E. Kirschner, M.D.63
Best book on wheatgrass available as a free e-book
Cereal Grass – What’s in it for you! CEREAL GRASS. WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU! The Importance of Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Other Green Vegetables in the Human Diet Edited by Ronald L. Seibold, M.S. PINES International, Inc. Lawrence, Kansas, online book Dedicated to Charles F. Schnabel, Sr. and George O. Kohler, pioneers of the modern use of cereal grass.
Charles Schnabel, Dr. Wigmore reports that the “wheatgrass” used in her program contains abscisic acid and laetrile, both of which may have anti-cancer activity. Viktoras Kulvinskas. Survival Into the 21st Century, Yoshihide Hagiwara, Like Charles Schnabel fifty years earlier, Hagiwara found that “the leaves of the cereal grasses provide the nearest thing to the perfect food that this planet offers.”
Hemoglobin and Chlorophyll Similarities
In 1959 Max Perutz determined the molecular structure of hemoglobin by X-ray crystallography.[6][7] This work resulted in his sharing with John Kendrew the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The general structure of chlorophyll a was elucidated by Hans Fischer in 1940, and by 1960, when most of the stereochemistry of chlorophyll a was known, Robert Burns Woodward published a total synthesis of the molecule as then known.[6] In 1967, the last remaining stereochemical elucidation was completed by Ian Fleming,[7]
wound healing
Chlorophyll heals wounds. The ideal wound treatment stimulates repair of damaged tissues and inhibits the growth of bacteria.19 Chlorophyll does both! Even crude preparations of chlorophyll are effective in stimulating the growth of healthy granuloma tissue and fibroblasts—both on actual wounds and in laboratory cultures.131
Dr. G.H. Collings considered chlorophyll to “have the most constant and marked effect of all agents for stimulating cell proliferation and tissue repair“.131 Collings demonstrated that the healing time of wounds is shorter with chlorophyll therapy than with penicillin, vitamin D, sulfanilamide, or no treatment.26
Chlorophyll has also been shown to be extremely effective in speeding the healing of peptic ulcers, wounds which develop internally in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Rafsky and Krieger111 report positive results obtained with the use of rectal implants of chlorophyll solutions for the treatment of a variety of diseases of the colon including spastic colitis, sigmoiditis, and ulcerative colitis.
Figure 5.1 Typical Analysis of Dehydrated Cereal Grass 3.5 Grams
(7-500 mg. tablets or 1 tsp. powder)
Vitamin A 1750 I/U CRUDE FIBER 600 mg.
Vitamin K 280 mcg. CALORIES 10
Vitamin C 11 mg. CHLOROPHYLL 19 mg.
Vitamin E 1.1 mcg. CARBOHYDRATES 1.3 gm.
Thiamin 10 mcg.
Choline 1 mg. AMINO ACIDS:
Riboflavin 71 mcg. Lysine 29 mg.
Pyridoxine 45 mcg. Histidine 16 mg.
Vitamin B-12 1 mcg. Arginine 39 mg.
Niacin 263 mcg. Asparatic Acid 78 mg.
Pantothenic 84 mcg. Threonine 37 mg.
Biotin 4 mcg. Glutamic Acid 85 mg.
Folic Acid 38 mcg. Proline 33 mg.
Glycine 41 mg.
MINERALS: Alanine 48 mg.
Calcium 18 mg. Valine 44 mg.
Phosphorus 18 mg. Isoleucine 31 mg.
Potassium 112 mg. Leucine 57 mg.
Magnesium 3.6 mg. Tyrosine 18 mg.
Iron 2 mg. Phenylanlanine 38 mg.
Manganese . 35 mg. Methionine 15 mg.
Selenium 3.5 mcg. Cystine 8 mg.
Sodium 1 mg. Trytophan 4 mg.
Zinc 17.5 mcg. Amide 10 mg.
Iodine 7 mcg. Purines 2 mg.
Copper .02 mg Serine 85 mg.
Cobalt 1.75 mcg.
Sources: References 64 and 153.
Cereal grasses contain all of the essential amino acids in amounts which make the protein very usable. Unlike most plant proteins, these grasses contain high
levels of both methionine and lysine.
Chiu-Nan Lai
Chiu-Nan Lai wheatgrass research
Why should I drink wheatgrass juice?
Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and other Greens: Wonder Healer Foods for People and Pets
Why Wheat Grass?
Making WheatGrass Juice
Making Wheatgrass Juice
The Wheatgrass Growing Kit is everything you need to grow healthy thick-bladed wheatgrass Perfect for growing grasses even in small kitchens or apartments.
Cancer Prevention Anti-Cancer
Review Article Digestion, absorption, and cancer preventative activity of
dietary chlorophyll derivatives, Mario G. Ferruzzia et al Brown University December 2006
Teratog Carcinog Mutagen. 1999;19(5):313-22.
Effect of dietary chlorophyll derivatives on mutagenesis and tumor cell growth.Chernomorsky S, Segelman A, Poretz RD.
Studies were conducted on the antimutagenic and tumoricidal potencies of these compounds. All the chlorophyll derivatives tested exhibit identical antimutagenic effect. The results presented in this report indicate that food sources that yield chlorophyll derivatives may play a significant role in cancer prevention.
USA Nutrition Journal 2004, 3, Review Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Michael S Donaldson et al.
As reviewed above, reductions of 60 percent in breast cancer rates have already been seen in human diet studies, and a 71 percent reduction in colon cancer for men without the known modifiable risk factors. These reductions are without taking into account many of the other factors considered in this review, such as markedly increased fruit and vegetable intake, balanced omega 3 and 6 fats, vitamin D, reduced sugar intake, probiotics, and enzymes – factors which all are likely to have an impact on cancer. Certainly cancer prevention would be possible, and cancer reversal in some cases is quite likely.
Review Article Digestion, absorption, and cancer preventative activity of
dietary chlorophyll derivatives Mario G. Ferruzzia,4, Joshua Blakesleeb
Diaz GD, Li Q, Dashwood RH. Caspase-8 and apoptosis-inducing factor mediate a cytochrome c–independent pathway of apoptosis in human colon cancer cells induced by the dietary phytochemical chlorophyllin. Cancer Res 2003;63(6):1254- 61.
Chan JY, Tang PM, Hon PM, Au SW, Tsui SK, Waye MM, et al. Pheophorbide a, a major antitumor component purified from Scutellaria barbata, induces apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Planta Med 2006;72(1):28 – 33.
Breast Cancer
Chiu LC, Kong CK, Ooi VE. The chlorophyllin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells is associated with ERK deactivation and cyclin D1 depletion. Int J Mol Med 2005;16(4):735 – 40.
Chlorophyllin (CHL) is the sodium-copper salt of chlorophyll derivative and is a commonly used food dye for green coloration; CHL was found previously to retard growth of the human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells. Extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) constitute a subfamily of MAPKs, participating in cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. We report here the first evidence that CHL deactivates ERKs to inhibit the breast cancer cell proliferation.
Development Arrest by Abscisic Acid
A postgermination developmental arrest checkpoint is mediated by abscisic acid and requires the ABI5 transcription factor in Arabidopsis Luis Lopez-Molina*,†, Sébastien Mongrand*, and Nam-Hai Chua
Seed dormancy is a trait of considerable adaptive significance because it maximizes seedling survival by preventing premature germination under unfavorable conditions. Abscisic acid (ABA) plays primary regulatory roles in the initiation and maintenance of seed dormancy. We show that ABA delays germination, rather than blocking it altogether. This hormone also efficiently prevents vegetative growth by arresting development of mature germinated embryos
Patents on Abscisic Acid
Patent for ABA as cancer preventive
Dr. Livingston postulated in her U.S. Pat. No. 3,958,025 (1976), col 8, line 50, that a hormone immuologically identical to HCG denominated microbic chorionic gonadotropin, produced from progenitor cryptocides, might be opposed or neutralized by a growth retardant in vitro. Such a growth inhibitor was identified as ABA. Experiments in vivo of Dr. Livingston, mentioned in her patent (col 9), demonstrated capacity of ABA to neutralize HCG. For determination of cancer survival rate, she used C57BL/6J mice and C1498 transplated tumor with myeloid leukemia purchased from the Jackson laboratory in Maine. This type of cancer was lethal in mice in 10-15 days. ABA furnished by Hoffmann-Laroche was suspended in saline and administered as suspension. It was concluded that ABA has a marked effect in the inhibition in mice (C57BL/6J) of the tumor system (C1498). In 1984, Dr. Livingston obtained, pp. 15-38, after treatment of 62 random cases in humans with cancer a success rate around 82%, not considering it inconclusive cases.
Hippocrates Institute
Hippocrates Health Institute 1443 Palmdale Court
West Palm Beach, FL 33411 USA Reservations 800-842-2125
Telephone 561-471-8876 Fax 561-471-9464
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100 percent pure, freeze dried wheatgrass juice crystals
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Canada 1-877-910-0467 flash frozen wheatgrass juice shipped to you frozen overnight.No detectable molds means that our wheatgrass juice tastes good. Quite similar to green tea, our frozen wheatgrass juice is a pleasure to drink.
PINES Wheat Grass Conveniently offered in tablets and powders
first company in continuous operation in the U.S.A. to offer dehydrated wheat grass and barley grass to the public, starting in 1976. (To be fair, we were the first after a couple decades hiatus. In the 1940s and 50s, Cerophyl was the multivitamin of choice for thousands of Americans, prescribed by doctors for diseases borne of nutritional deficiencies.
Freeze-dried wheat grass juice, like Dyna-Green. Dynamic Nutraceuticals Scott Smith P.O. Box 940 Sebastopol, CA 95473
Phone: 1-877-Dyna Green E-mail:
Freeze Dried Wheatgrass Juice Powder
Vermont. Donna (Bergonzi) Boyle her brother Michael
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Florida Wheatgrass Suppliers
Phone 1-800-859-4779 Wheatgrass Express, Inc.
15117 N. State Rd. 121Gainesville, Fl 32653
Nursery Location Shipping Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00am -2:00pm
Nursery Hours: Phone: (407) 568-3545
19235 Old Lake Picket Road Orlando, FL – 32820
Listing of Juicers. making your own decision about finding the right Breville, Omega, Braun, Champion, Jack Lalanne, Green Star juice extractor
Green Kamut
The world’s finest wheatgrass grown from the ancient Egyptian Kamut seed
The sweet taste of oat grass juice. The mineral rich juice from mature alfalfa leaves. Organic Kamut Blend 90 g Retail Price: $22.50
Weight Loss Battle Plan
Scoop Of Greens. for Diabetes and Weight Loss.
Wheatgrass Juice— Nature’s Powerful Medicine. Organic Kamut Blend, containing one of the few still-wild wheatgrass strains available to consumers.
Patent: Tablets of abscisic acid and a carrier are used to treat a vitamin deficiency of abscisic acid in man, animal and the avian species.
Patent number: 3958025 Filing date: Jul 5, 1974 Issue date: May 18, 1976 Inventor: Virginia W-C Livingston.
Abscisic acid against cancer US Patent 20060292215 .
Filing date: Jun 21, 2006 Inventor: Gonzalo Romero M. Abscisic acid (ABA) a naturally ocurring plant hormone has been identified in this invention with potent properties to fight cancer.
Acid & Alkali Food List
Acid & Alkali food List -Acidic Forming Foods Alkali Forming Foods
Jeffrey Dach MD
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- Jeffrey Dach MD August 1, 2013 at 9:27 AM
[…] Wheatgrass Juice by Jeffrey Dach MD […]
Wheatgrass Juice by Jeffrey Dach MD - Jeffrey D... August 9, 2013 at 3:56 AM
[…] Wheatgrass juice is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and promoter of wound healing. […]
Wheatgrass Juice by Jeffrey Dach MD | BENEFICIO... September 16, 2014 at 9:39 AM
[…] Wheatgrass juice is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and promoter of wound healing. […]